Hi, I’m Mark, a dad to 4 growing kids. The other day we were out for a walk near where I grew up, and I took them down a path to a spot I used to go to as a kid, I remember climbing up a small path through a forrest, and when you get to the top of the hill the trees part to give a wonderful view over a small lake and open fields with small groups of trees, only now, when you get over the top of the hill you see a newly built neighborhood and the lake is now a clubhouse, tennis courts and a swimming pool, not quite the view I or my kids were excited to see.

That started me thinking about all of the changes that are going on in the world, and if it continues at the rate it is, how much will be left for my chilren to share with their kids? and that is what triggered me to start this site, sharing tips and tricks as I come across them that I, and hopefully you too, can add to our lives to try and preserve as much of this planet as we can for the generations to come.

All of the tips and suggestions on this site are cumulative, meaning the more we can do now the better both ourselves and the planet will be, but even a small change has an effect, and as we start adding together some of those small changes the effect grows, especially as more people start adding more changes.

The site is also not going to primarily focus on all of the big headline changes that are probably out of reach for many of us, like by a nice new efficent electric car, in fact many are small and easy to implement right away with very little planning or cost. We will also mention the large changes that may take months or even years of planning or saving to accomplish, but those will not be all that we talk about.

Not all changes have a financial cost, some changes may save you money right away, while others may require an investment up front that may take years to pay off financially, but even those bigger investments will start helping our environment from the day we start doing or using them.

I hope that leaves you excited to try some of our tips to get started on your journey to protect our planet for everyones future, if so you may be interested in reading about the Best ways to reduce my carbon footprint.
